2015 was another year in which the Obama administration tried to fix the immigration system by presidential decree, since Congress failed to come to any kind of consensus on how to mend the broken system. The bills that were introduced in Congress this year did not even try to overhaul the immigration system and continued to show the division in the immigration policies of the Republican and Democratic parties. In this article we discuss the current legal challenge to the president’s executive actions on immigration. Accompanying this article is a chart summarizing the major immigration legislation proposed in 2015, some highlights of which include “Presidential Executive Orders: Texas v. United States,” “Congress: Another Year with a Lack of Progress,” and “Prediction for 2016.”
To read the full article written by Marcy Stras with assistance from Rachel Coyne, please visit page 29 of Cozen O’Connor’s year-end Labor and Employment Observer 2015/2016.