Monthly Archives: December 2014

USCIS Issues Outdated & Erroneous Case Status Emails

Lately we have been receiving outdated and/or erroneous USCIS case status emails for pending applications and adjudicated petitions.  Some, but not all, emails were followed by an email confirming that the first email was in error and should be disregarded. 

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17 States Sue Over President Obama’s Immigration Order

On December 3rd, seventeen states sued the U.S. in a Texas federal court over President Barack Obama’s executive order on immigration.  The states claim the President’s order is an unconstitutional exercise of power and seek to prevent the government from

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About ABCs of Immigration Law
The global economy has become increasingly transactional and transcontinental. Since 9/11, there have been many amendments to immigration laws in the United States that have largely affected both individuals and businesses. Cozen O'Connor's immigration law blog, ABC's of Immigration Law, focuses on the interests and the challenges faced by those individuals and business impacted by immigration laws.
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